sexta-feira, 20 de outubro de 2017

School year 2017-18

Welcome to EnglishNet, the EFL blog for Jaime Moniz students.
EnglishNet gives you access to English language and culture.

This is a place where you have the opportunity to learn, practise and improve your English in a different way.

It contains links to help you learn and improve your English grammar and your listening, reading and writing skills.

You will also be able to participate and give opinions.

1. Let's start by watching these three videos related to our first topic:

English worldwide

2 . Have a look at 

3. And now watch the following YouTube links. It´s   fun time!      

4. Grammar time! Let's practise! These exercises online allow you to get more practice!
English pronunciation and sounds

Exercise      1       2 

The genitive

Exercise      1       2 

Impersonal passive voice

Exercise      1       2        3

That's all for now.
I hope you enjoy and get the most of this blog!

Do let me know what you think about ONE of the videos

Thank you! J